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Table 1 Stakeholder characteristics and perspectives

From: Building partnerships towards strengthening Makerere University College of Health Sciences: a stakeholder and sustainability analysis


Level of Influence

Type of Influence

Support to College

Interest, Concerns, Expectations

Government Ministries/Parliament

High, much of it statutory

Policy makers & resource allocation, Statutory Power, product consumers


Want College to do research to inform policy, increase numbers & diversity of health cadres, high ethical behavior of graduates, publicity of their good work

Statutory Bodies

High, but not control on a daily basis

Accreditation of graduates, employers of graduates, influence by law

Strongly approve

Want quality training and professional conduct of graduates, sees a need for visionary college leadership, need for training in management, decentralize college to regions

Faith-Based Health Provider Organizations


Consumer of College graduates, are placement sites for training

Strongly approves

Educate students to meet needs of Ugandan people, research, have high standards for leadership and management in the College, improve college financial situation through collaborating with private sector to mobilize resources and not relying so heavily on government funding,

International organizations/NGOs


Donor/Funder and advisor to policy makers

Strongly approve

Emphasize innovative training, show strong financial management, be pro-active and show initiative to network, market itself and do research addressing priority health problems

Multi-lateral development agencies


Donors and advisors for capacity building and research

Strongly approve

More initiative to collaborate including with parliament, higher professional & ethical conduct of graduates and Decentralize College to other parts of country

Bi-lateral development agencies


Donors and advisors for capacity building and research

Strongly approve

College to take initiative to have more relevant, funded and quality research and publication. Start health management training. College needs to sell itself so that development partners know where to come in and support. More regional networking

Local Agencies


Consumers of college graduates, major beneficiary of their services


Regular curriculum review to match the needs of the constituency, better public relations and marketing functions for College, strengthen research capacity by bringing in other partners and increase publications. College leadership to be bold and daring! Engage private sector more