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Table 1 Baseline characteristics for intervention (Plancha) and control (open fire) groups.

From: Self-rated health among Mayan women participating in a randomised intervention trial reducing indoor air pollution in Guatemala




Number of women



Characteristics of the women:


Mean age in years (SD)

27.6 (7.7)

28.3 (6.7)

Not attended to school (%)

32 (36.0)

36 (39.6)

Pregnant at baseline

62 (69.7)

62 (68.1)

Mean number of children < 12 years (SD)

3.7 (1.9)

3.8 (1.5)

Smokes (%)

0 (0.0)

0 (0.0)

Cough while cooking (%)a

59 (66.3)

61 (67.0)

Headache while cooking (%)b

64 (71.9)

71 (78.0)

Sore eyes while cooking (%)c

78 (87.6)

78 (85.7)

Back pain while cooking (%) d

54 (60.7)

60 (65.9)

Household characteristics:


Wood as main fuel (%)

89 (100)

91 (100)

Cooking area in a separate structure (%)

67 (75.3)

68 (85.0)

Relative smokes inside (%)

17 (19.1)

22 (24.2)

Mean number cigarettes husband (SD)

1.2 (0.4)

1.1 (0.2)

Kitchen separate from bedroom (%)

70 (78.7)

79 (86.8)

Asset indexε:



8 (9.0)

15 (16.5)


47 (52.8)

50 (54.9)


23 (25.8)

18 (19.8)


9 (10.1)

8 (8.8)

   > = 4

2 (2.2)

0 (0.0)

  1. a When you are cooking, does the smoke make you cough or irritate your throat? (yes = sometimes/always)
  2. b When you are cooking or immediately after, do you get a headache? (yes = sometimes/always)
  3. c When you are cooking, do your eyes get irritated? (yes = sometimes/always)
  4. d When you are cooking, do you get back pain? (yes = sometimes/always)
  5. e Sum of goods (radio, TV, refrigerator, bicycle, motorcycle and car) a family has. From 0 for not having any of them, to 6 for having all of them