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Table 2 Barriers to Doing & the Unenacted Rights of People with Albinism (relevant article in parentheses)

From: Children with albinism in African regions: their rights to ‘being’ and ‘doing’

Barriers To Doing

Rights afforded under the UNCRC (1989)

Rights afforded under the UNCRPD (2006)

Reduced educational opportunities due to fear & discrimination

➢ Right to an education (28).

➢ Right to an inclusive education without discrimination (24).

Lack of employment opportunities & discrimination by employers


➢ Right to work, including the right to work in an environment that is inclusive & accessible (27).

Living an independent, fulfilling life

➢ Right to live full & decent lives with dignity & as far as possible, independence & to play an active role in their community (23).

➢ Right to take part in cultural life, recreation, leisure & sport (30).

Segregation from community

➢ Right to relax, play & take part in cultural activities (31).

➢ Countries must make appropriate measures to enable people with disabilities to develop, attain & maintain maximum ability, independence & participation through provision of services (26).

Discrimination in developing relationships/friendships


➢ Right to marry & to found a family.

Lack of voice & empowerment

➢ Governments must actively work to make sure children & adults know about their rights (42).

➢ Governments must raise awareness of the rights of people with disabilities (8).