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Table 1 One-year prevalence data of different types of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation (VANE) worldwide and in the UK

From: Supporting ALL victims of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation: guidance for health providers

Type of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation (VANE)

Available one-year prevalence data

Worldwide (estimates)

in the UK (estimates)

in the UK (reported cases)

Specific groups of victims

 Intimate partner violence (IPV)

1.4 billion (women only)

2.0 million


 IPV against men



 Child abuse

1.1 billion



 Elder abuse

141.4 million



 Abuse by carers


 Parent abuse


Specific type of VANE: Human trafficking and sexual exploitation

 Human trafficking / forced labour

24.9 million



 Girls and boys below 18 years engaging in sex work


 Human trafficking: domestic, within-country

19.2 million



 Sexual abuse or exploitation by gangs or groups


Specific type of VANE: Honour based violence

 Honour based violence


 Forced marriages

15.4 million


 Female genital mutilation

3 million



  1. Other types of VANE that were considered for this table but were not included for various reasons are: violence against unborn children; children who witness domestic violence; children whose parents are in a violent divorce; stalking; boundary-crossing sexual behaviour among youths/children; IPV against/among vulnerable migrants (e.g., undocumented people, refugees and asylum seekers); online sexual intimidation (e.g., shame-sexting, grooming, revenge porn, sextortion, spreading images of sexual violence online, and sending or posting unsolicited messages of a sexual nature); financial exploitation; sexual violence; bullying; self-harm; and people at risk of radicalisation. ‘Estimates’ are estimates of ‘real’ one-year prevalence made on the basis of scientific models and/or experience. ‘Numbers of recorded cases’ are numbers of recorded, reported or confirmed cases over one year and are likely a strong underestimation. Data are from various years. Some groups may overlap partially with others. “-” means no data were found. For additional information about the numbers and sources, see additional file 2
  2. aNumber is for England only
  3. bNumbers for “child maltreatment” are reported here, in line with definitions used by the UK National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). The number only pertains to maltreatment by a parent or guardian
  4. cThis number concerns abuse by contracted home carers, however, definitions of this abuse vary: it is defined by others as being about abuse by informal caregivers. Numbers for abuse by informal caregivers were not found. Abuse by carers differs from elder abuse in that it is not limited to abuse of elders, but may involve anyone who is cared for
  5. dNo data found for the UK; estimate based on estimated number of cases in the Netherlands (adjusted for population size)
  6. eThis number is based on confirmed cases from 20 out of 39 police constabulary areas in the UK; 19 areas did not provide data. Also: this number only concerns girls and boys below 18 years of age
  7. fThis is an estimate for the one-year prevalence of girls at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). Estimates for the total number of women affected by FGM (137,000) and recorded requests for help regarding FGM (1564 over 3.5 years) are much higher, since these numbers include cases of FGM that took place in the past