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Table 4 Structural and process indicators of drug allocation in the health budget and public sector financing policy, public sector procurement procedures, public sector distribution and logistics, and pricing policy in Iran in 2002

From: Monitoring of National Drug Policy (NDP) and its standardized indicators; conformity to decisions of the national drug selecting committee in Iran

Budget and pricing

Is the drug budget spent per year more than 20% of the MOH operating budget spent per year for the last three years?


Is the drug budget spent per capita more than US$1.00 per year for the last three years?


Is the drug budget spent for national hospitals less than 40% of the total drug budget spent for the last three years?


Has the drug budget spent per capita increased in the last three years?


Are there any financing systems in addition to the drug budget that contribute to the provision of drugs in the public sector?


Are drug prices regulated in the private sector?


Is there at least one major incentive for selling drugs at low cost in the private sector?


Is the total margin used by wholesalers and retailers less than 35% of the CIF price?


Is there a system for monitoring drug prices?


Are essential drugs sold under INN or generic name in private drug outlets?


Average time period of payment for a sample of orders, out of average time period of payment stated in contract.

100% (7 days/7 days)


Are drugs usually procured in the public sector through competitive tender?


Is there a system for monitoring supplier performance?


Are procurements done under INN?


Does the procurement unit receive foreign currency in less than 60 days (from request to release)?


Is procurement in the public sector limited to drugs on the national drugs list?


Is the average lead time (from order to receipt at central level) less than eight months?


Is procurement based on a reliable quantification of drug needs?


Average lead time for a sample of orders in the last year, out of average lead time during the past three years.

80% (7/9)

Number of drugs/batches tested, out of number of drugs/batches procured.


Number of drugs/batches that failed quality control testing, out of number of drugs/batches tested.

13% (147/1132)

Average time between order and delivery from central store to remote facilities in the last year, out of average time between order and delivery in the past three years.



Are good storage practices observed in the central procurement/distribution unit and/or major regional warehouses?


Is the information recorded on the stock cards for drugs?


Are the stocks for drugs within their expiry dates in the central procurement/ distribution unit and/or major regional warehouses?


Have all incoming products been physically inspected the central procurement/distribution unit and/or in the major regional warehouses?


Are drugs which are not on the national drugs list in stock in the central procurement/distribution unit and/or in the major regional warehouses?


Are 80% or more of the vehicles of the central procurement/distribution unit and/or major regional warehouses in working condition?


Are essential drugs sold under INN or generic name in private drug outlets?


Number of drugs beyond the expiry date, out of the total number of drugs surveyed

0.1% (2/1400)