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Table 5 Structural and process indicators of drug information, continuing education on drug use, and rational use of drugs in Iran in 2002

From: Monitoring of National Drug Policy (NDP) and its standardized indicators; conformity to decisions of the national drug selecting committee in Iran

Is there a national publication (formulary/bulletin/manual, etc.), revised within the past five years, providing objective information on drug use?


Is there a national therapeutic guide with standardized treatments?


Is the concept of essential drugs part of the curricula in the basic training of health personnel?


Is there an official continuing education system on rational use of drugs for prescribers and dispensers?


Is there a drug information unit/centre?


Does the drug information unit/centre (or another independent body) provide regular information on drugs to prescribers and dispensers?


Are there therapeutic committees in the major hospitals?


Are there public education campaigns on drug use?


Is drug education included in the primary/secondary school curricula?


Number of prescribers having direct access to a (national) drug formulary, out of total number of prescribers surveyed.

7.6% (7034/92548)

Number of training sessions on drug use for prescribers in the last year, out of average number of training sessions organized in the past three years.

13% (120/924)

Number of prescribers who have attended at least one training session in the last year, out of total number of prescribers surveyed.

50% (15203/32524)

Number of issues of independent drug bulletins published in the last year, out of average number of issues of independent drug bulletins published per year in the past three years.

0% (0/13)

Average number of copies of independent drug bulletins sent to prescribers, out of total number of prescribers.

6.9% (6386/92548)

Amount spent on public education campaigns on drug use, out of total amount spent on public health education campaigns.

0% (0/300000 $US)

Average retail price of standard treatment of pneumonia, out of the average retail price of a basket of food.

21% (2.9/13.75 $US)

Average number of drugs per prescription.


Number of prescriptions with at least one injection, out of the total number of prescriptions surveyed.

47.4% (692530/1461033)

Number of children under five with diarrhea receiving antidiarrheal drugs, out of the total number of children under five with diarrhea surveyed.

19% (266/1400)